State to State Immigration

state immigration

A common topic with a lot of questions and variable for players of Puzzles & Survival is when, and how to immigrate from the current state to a new state. This is a big topic simply because it is designed to not be easy. The first thing you need to know is that it costs a special ticket to immigrate from one state to another called ‘Immigration Flights’. Immigrations flights are not cheap and the the cost is based on your current Headquarters level. So a low level headquarter may only require 1 flight while the max number of flights for a level 35 headquarter is currently set to 40 immigration flights. There is currently only two methods of acquiring immigration flights. The first is of course from the in-game ‘Mall’. The second is from the alliance shop at 500k alliance coins each. In addition to the cost to the player, the alliance leadership has to spend coins from the alliance treasury to ‘stock’ the immigration flights and most alliances are reluctant to do so on a regular basis. So it is hard to leave your state without at least someone knowing about. I will post a list of the current number of immigration flights required per headquarter level at the end of this article.

One of the most important considerations when thinking about immigrating is the age of the state. Each ‘State’ is considered an independent server. When the server fills up with a certain number of new players and/or based on a certain period of time, then a new ‘State’ (server) will open up. The longer a server has been active, the lower the number of that server (‘State’). So State 1 was the first state and there are currently almost 300 active states in game. There are many events and heroes that are directly related to the age of the state. For example, Zenith Tech Hub war is the first war a new state will participate in to determine a ‘Governor’ of the state. After a couple of these, the state will then be opened up to interstate wars called Wasteland King, where the state will have to battle other states for control of the Zenith Tech Hub and retain the Governor status for their own state.

Since many heroes and events are not released to a state all at once, this gives players time to work on learning the game and levelling up their current heroes and learn the new events as they go. This allows for a normal growth curve and since all players in a server essentially start from the same point, it is approximately fair. If you are in a newer state and you decide to immigrate to an older state then you are taking some of the time you could have to level up and giving it up. This can have some difficult side effects.

The largest side effect to jumping to a much earlier state is that while most ‘Global’ events are considered to be across all states, this isn’t quite accurate. Global ranked events are across multiple states but not ALL of them. This means that your state is currently grouped in a smaller subset of Global rankings. Large age jumps from one state to an older state can end up putting you in a much more difficult Global event grouping. This also applies to Arena: Hero Dual Survival and Hero Dual Glory. Hero Dual glory is a very important event to participate in as early as possible because it is the only way a player can acquire “Troop Chips”, troop chip promotion, and enhancement material. Jumping to an older state can make it extremely difficult to place well in these events.

There are some benefits to jumping to an older state from a newer state. Predominantly is the ability to have more events/heroes unlocked so you can start acquiring late game heroes early on. Another benefit is that usually you will be joining players that have been playing the game longer, have stronger sanctuaries and have a better overall understanding of the game. So receiving assistance in your own game play can be very beneficial. (Or you can read my tips and tricks and watch my videos for guidance :wink:)

All that is to say before you decide to immigrate make sure you weigh all decisions carefully. Don’t forget there is a 30 day waiting period after you immigrate before you can immigrate again! Make sure you have an alliance lined up before you move so that you know who you will be playing with, the rules governing the state, how conflicts are resolved and if the state matches your gameplay. If after all that you are interested in immigrating then save your alliance coins, buy your flights, find the state in the world map list of states and immigrate. There are other restrictions you may need to consider including your current HQ level and any restrictions for the state you are moving too, as well as the basic restrictions. You must quit your alliance first. You will lose any resources not protected by your warehouse cap (or in your bag which is always safe), and all your troops/marches must be idle and in your sanctuary. If all of the criteria is met, you have enough immigration flights and you are ready to go, then immigrate to your new home (for at least the next 30 days) and good luck!

Immigration Flights

Avid Gamer, Youtuber and Entrepreneur.

6 thoughts on “State to State Immigration

    1. New states are generally blocked from immigration until after they have done a couple of Zenith Wars for themselves. After that the state will open to State vs State events. From what I have seen this is approximately 90-100 days after the state has been created. It could be more or less depending. As soon as the state starts doing Global Ace Commander (as opposed to Ace Commander) and doing Wasteland War (as opposed to Zenith Tech Hub War) then the state will be open to immigration.

  1. Great tips. My state just opened immigration and it’s really annoying since I was fairly highly ranked and all these players came in from older alliances. How can you find out when states are opening up to immigration?

    1. The devs actually pushed out new restrictions on immigration to help prevent these types of problems where people from older states are moving to much newer states looking for an advantage in might and time played. The restrictions include higher cost of immigration flights. There isn’t a way to tell the exact day a state is going to open for immigration. There is a time frame but since states aren’t released on an exact schedule but events are, the timeline is based more off of the events. Predominantly when the state opens for state vs state events, that is when immigrations is opened up. It is approximately 90 to 100 days or so from the state being started.

  2. Are there certain states that are predominantly English speaking servers? I got generated in a state that is populated mostly by various Asian countries. It’s very difficult to understand what’s going on in the state chat, as the translation doesn’t make much sense.

    1. While I don’t think there is any state specifically that is predominantly English speaking I do know there are many states that have a large number of English speakers in them. The translation feature isn’t always the best however it does suffice in most instances. I am in state 113 and there are a large number of English speakers in our server. Good luck to you!

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